Euskarazko itzulpen juridikoa: euskarara itzulitako zitazio-jakinarazpenen azterketa deskriptiboa
- Publication year:
- 2007
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-1951
This work, which is based on descriptive studies on translation, is intended to describe the norms that govern juridical translations into the Basque language. In order to deal with the regularities that appear in the translated texts, the author has chosen a concrete typology of texts translated from Spanish to Basque: the summons and communications from local criminal courts. The empirical study carried out by the author shows that in the translated texts people tend to recur both to simplification and to making things explicit, and preference is given to admissibility rather than to adaptation.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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