Modelos de negocio en cibermedios de tercera generación. Tres casos de estudio de nativos digitales españoles
Parra Valcarce, David; Edo Bolós, Concha; Marcos Recio, Juan C.
- Publication year:
- 2020
- Publication place:
- Donostia ; Leioa
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [eISSN 1988-3935 (2020), 18; 5-36]
- 1137-4462; eISSN: 1988-3935
The information projects related to the third generation of digital native cybermedia in Spain are backing different business models to deal with the considerable challenges of a market that has reached an appropriate degree of maturity for its profitability and that includes increasing levels of competitiveness with the appearance of new stakeholders from outside this industry.
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