Lan Zuzenbidearen Iturriak

; IRURZUN, Koldo
- Publication year:
- 1999
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-989-4
The autor of this work analyses the sources of Labour Law, that is, the normative powers in this area as well as the types of norm that they produce. The text is split into five sections. The first is a general introduction of the sources of Labour Law, while at the same time it offers a general picture thereof. The second is an analysis of the state sources (Constitution, laws and regulations). The third is a reflection on the international sources (ILO agreements and European Community Law). The fourth section, under the tile of Other Sources, deals with the rest of the sources, including both collective bargaining and the uses and General Principles of Law. Finally, the section analyses the rules of application of Labour Law.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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