Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación
Kode bereizketa eta bateraketa eremu urriko hizkuntzarekiko elebitasun goiztiarrean
Author[s]: Barreña, Andoni; Ezeizabarrena, María José [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2000
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 185 orld. : ir. ; 24 cm. - Non: Ikastaria. Cuadernos de Educación
- 84-8419-966-5
- 1137-4446
The projects compiled in this book are those that were presented in the course titled Code separation and code mixing in early bilingualism with minority languages", organised by the Summer Courses in San Sebastián in July 1998. The objective of such research is the analysis of the development of children who become bilingual, to determine whether there are interferences or confusion between the two languages or if they manage to differentiate them correctly. And if there is some confusion, the intention is to determine whether such confusion emerges because bilingual children are unable to differentiate the two grammatical systems. Our purpose has been to compile studies that focus on more than one facet of bilingualism. Even though most of the topics in this set of studies refer to the unification or separation of codes, there is also an analysis of bilingual children?s attitudes. Didactics are also included, since there is a study that shows the positive influence that could well be the product of a school unit. Researchers who met during the course mainly came from three groups of European research, most of which were in the field of linguistics, but also in psychology and pedagogy. The bilingual children studied have not always had the same characteristics in all the research projects.
- Analytic Summary
- ALMGREN, Margareta ; BARREÑA, Andoni Elebitasuna eta kode bateraketa zein bereizketa: oinarri teorikoak
- EZEIZABARRENA, María José Aditz-finitotasuna haur elebidunen euskaran eta gaztelanian
- ELOSEGI ADURIZ, Kristina Kasuak eta preposizioak jabekuntza elebidunean: bi sistema, bi gramatika
- BARREÑA, Andoni ; ZUBIRI, Juán Joxé Subjektu eta objektu markak euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz haur elebakar eta elebidunengan
- FAVERERAU, Francis Early bilingualism and word order in Breton
- STEPHENS, Janig The development of grammatical structures in the Breton of nursery school children
- IDIAZABAL, Itziar Hizkuntza trebetasunen transferentzia programa elebidunetan
- SOTÉS, Pablo Euskararen jaekuntza Nafarroako inmertsio programa batean
- STEPHENS, Janig Aspects of early bilingualism in Britany and Wales
- FAVEREAU, Francis Evolution of bilingual education in Brittany