Elebitasuna eta kode bateraketa zein bereizketa: oinarri teorikoak

ALMGREN, Margareta
; BARREÑA, Andoni
- Publication year:
- 2000
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-966-5
- 1137-4446
In this article, the authors will analyse some of the basic concept of bilingual language acquisition. When and how should children hear and develop their two languages if we want the development to be considered simultaneous? Where can the differences between simultaneous development of both languages and the acquisition of one of them as a second language be found? Is it different to learn both languages at home or one of them at home and the other one at school? Do children who become bilingual through second acquisition at school show a different development? Do grammatical and pragmatic competence develop in the same way?Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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