Elikagai transgenikoak Europan, de ius eta de facto

- Publication year:
- 2007
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-1951
Transgenic foods and the majority of the contributions of modern biotechnology are the fruit of the most important advances in the last few decades, and it is estimated that they will make it possible to confront the challenges in the field of foodstuffs during the Third Millenium. The political and juridical work carried out in favour of such foods is therefore quite understandable. However, the reality around such foods is, de facto, quite different. They have been subjected to a moratorium which was not made public till 2004, and since then the situation has hardly varied at all. This work analyses the grounds for such a contradiction.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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