Wrestling with the Past: War, Loss, and the Politics of Memory in Iban Zaldua's "Gerra zibilak" and Ramon Saizarbitoria's "Gudari zaharraren gerra galdua"

Ezkerra Vegas, Estibalitz
- Publication year:
- 2023
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180 (2023), 68: 1] - Reccep.: 2022-11-14; Acept: 2023-07-17
- 0212-7016; eISSN: 2952-4180
This article analyzes the complex dynamics between the past and the present in (post-)conflict scenarios as exemplified by Iban Zaldua’s short story, “Gerra zibilak” (2009) and Ramon Saizarbitoria’s novella, Gudari zaharraren gerra galdua (2000). The texts reveal the affective and material effects of particular engagements with the past and the responsibility that society bears on the resolution of painful histories and their legacies.
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