"Trastornar el orden y tranquilidad": pasquines difamatorios en Navarra a principios del siglo XIX
![Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 40 [on line]](/files/argitalpenak/vasconia_40.jpg)
Ruiz Astiz, Javier
- Publication year:
- 2014
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 27-58 p.
- ISSN: 1136-6834; eISSN: 2386-5539
The first decades of the nineteenth century were extremely controversialin the kingdom of Navarre. The crisis of the ancien regime was already palpable. A clear sign of the social and political situation was the constant appearance of public disorder throughout its geography. Among them I will try to highlight the important role of the defamatory lampoons published. The aim of libels and lampoons was to denounce and cause greater instability at community level. This situation encouraged the navarrese civil authorities to try to curb the harmful consequences originated.
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