International Journal on Basque Studies, RIEV
Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 50, 2

Author[s]: Barros, Amandio Jorge Morais...[et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2005
- Publication place:
- Donostia : Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2005
- Characteristics:
- 309 or. ; 24 cm.
- 0212-7016
Issue no. 50.2 (2005.2) of the International Journal of Basque Studies (RIEV), the first of the issues published under the direction of Aingeru Zabala, includes, in the Tribuna section, five articles in various aspects of Basque history, economics and art: Amândio Barros examines the commercial relations between peoples from the Iberian Bay of Biscay coast and the Portuguese north in the beginning of the modern era; Bernard Darretche exposes the situation of the Port of Bayonne in a future Euro-regional context; José Luis García del Busto chronologically reviews the valuable production of music by Carmelo Bernaola and the composer?s human dimension; Gorka Martínez Fuentes approaches one of the main cultural associations in Alava during the last quarter of the 19th century; and last but not least, Elías Mas studies the unequal urban development of the three capitals of the Basque Autonomous Community during the period of economic upsurge in the post-Spanish-Civil-War period. The habitual sections continue, like Reseña, with critiques on recent publications on Basque and universal matters, Tesis (the list of doctoral theses read in the universities of Vasconia during the first quarter of 2005) and Noticia, with information on new publications on economics, the Eusko Ikaskuntza Manuel Lekuona Prize awarded to Elías Amézaga, the XVI Basque Studies Congress on "Sustainable Development", and the 100 issues of Fontes Linguae Vasconum, the Basque linguistic journal.
- Tesis doctorales (vol.2)
- Analytic Summary (vol.2)
- Eusko Ikaskuntza: analytic summaries
- OCHOA, Julia Martín, Annabel. La gramática de la felicidad. Relecturas franquistas y posmodernas del melodrama
- AKIZU AIZPIRI, Beatriz González Alcantud, José Antonio. La ciudad vórtice. Lo local, lugar fuerte de la memoria en tiempos de errancia
- SANTANA EZQUERRA, Alberto González Cembellín, Juan Manuel. Torres de las Encartaciones
- NOLTE ARAMBURU, Ernesto Barandiaran, José Miguel de. Diario personal. Vol. 1 (1917-1936). Desde los primeros trabajos científicos, hasta el inicio del exilio
- MAS SERRA, Elías El urbanismo del período desarrollista en las capitales vascas
- MARTÍNEZ FUENTES, Gorka La Academia Cervántica Española de Vitoria
- GARCÍA DEL BUSTO, José Luis La aportación del maestro Bernaola vista a través de su música concertante
- DARRETCHE, Bernard Le port de Bayonne: Place du port aujourd´hui et perspectives pour l´avenir
- ELORTZA EGAÑA, Gerardo Fontes Linguae Vasconum aldizkariak 100 zenbakitik gora
- BENGOETXEA USATEGI, Carmelo Euskal Herria y el Desarrollo Sostenible. XVI Congreso de Estudios Vascos: "Desarrollo Sostenible"
- AGUIRRE SORONDO, Juan Elías Amézaga, generosidad más allá de la palabra
- ECHEBARRIA, Carmen ; AGUADO, Itziar ; BARRUTIA, José María Novedades bibliográficas en economía vasco-navarra en 2005
- BARRIO LOZA, José Ángel VV.AA. San Francisco Javier en las artes. El poder de la imagen
- ARANA COBOS, Juan Muñoa, Pilar. Oteiza: la vida como experimento
- BARROS, Amândio Jorge Morais O grande comércio dos "pequenos actores". Portuenses e Bascos na construção do sistema atlántico