International Journal on Basque Studies, RIEV

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 44, 2

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 44, 2

Author[s]: AA.VV.

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Issue no. 44.2 (1999.2) of the International Magazine of Basque Studies includes its habitual "Reseña" (Review) section - where a compilation is made of the latest and most outstanding publications on Basque topics. The "Tesis" (Thesis) section includes a listing of doctoral theses defended in the universities of the Basque Country and commentaries on Basque culture, whereas the "Noticia" (News) section covers the most outstanding events in the Basque Studies Society and in the Basque Country as a whole. This issue also covers, by means of the articles published in the "Tribuna" (Tribune) section, the main aspects of Basque culture and society. Miguel Herrero de Miñón analyses the Historical Rights as detailed in the Spanish Constitution and their possible application and development. Antonio Cancelo carries out an evaluation of the history of "Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa" (the Mondragón Co-operative Corporation). As a continuation of his "Historia del Arte en Vasconia" (History of Art in the Basque Country), Juan Plazaola dedicates this chapter to early abstract art. Also, the "Historia de Vasconia" (History of the Basque Country) series analyses the early Middle Ages, with the collaboration of Angel Martín Duque and Roldán Jimeno. With this issue, RIEV starts a new section, the Eusko Ikaskuntza: analytic summaries, which collect all the projects published in the magazines edited by the Basque Studies Society.




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