Pensamiento vasco: dimensión americana

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 43, 1

Abellán, José Luis

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Basque reality has been linked to America from the 16th century to our days. If in the first modern centuries that link was established through navigators like Elcano and conquerors like Ercilla or Lope de Aguirre, from 18th century onwards, that link is, above all, of an intellectual character. From the Royal Guipuzkoan Company of Caracas in that century until the 1898 generation in the 20th century, Basque thinking has had a clearly visible American dimension in the positions of Unamuno, Ramiro de Maeztu and José María Salaverría. From the civil war onwards, that link materialized in the work of important thinkers like Juan Larrea and Eugenio Imaz, who became part of the exile community and who installed themselves in those lands.
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