Los planes y proyectos sectoriales de incidencia supramunicipal

Echeverría Ayerra, Carmen
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-442X
Sectoral plans and projects of supramunicipal incidence are instruments of territorial planning regulated in the current Statutory Law 10/1994, dated 4th July, on Territorial and Urban Planning approved in the Parliament of the Statutory Community of Navarre. By means of its approval many industrial, residential, equipment, and infrastructural actions have been carried out and facilities of social interest or public use have been installed. As they are in force as from the date of publication of their definitive approval in the Official Bulletin of Navarre, and their content is of compulsory application in local planning, modifying such planning in any aspects that are contrary to such territorial planning instruments.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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