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Legutioren Etorkizuneko Potentzialtasunei buruzko ikerketa-lana = Trabajo de investigación sobre las Potencialidades de Futuro de Legutiano

Author[s]: Eusko Ikaskuntzaren Gizarte eta Ekonomia Zientziak saila
- Publication year:
- 2007
- Characteristics:
- 119 or.: ir.: gráf. ; 31 cm.
- DOI:
Legutiano is a municipality with a rural past and an industrial present that does not, however, respond to the needs of the municipality but to those of Alava. After an exercise of strategic and participational reflection Legutiano is now placing its stakes on the endorsement of a harmonious development in the quest for a degree of growth that is compatible with the preservation of its own identity. Actions are proposed with regards to four key axes: infrastructures and services to impulse the local employment initiatives, a moderate urban residential development, articulating the nuclei of population of the municipality, solving mobility and traffic problems, problems related to the recovery and promotion of its considerable naturalistic values and attention to aspects of municipal integration with special emphasis on youth.