La lingüística europea y la lingüística vasca

XI Basque Studies Congress: Donostia 1991. New cultural formulas: The Basque Country and Europe

Zubiaur Bilbao, José Ramón

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Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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European Linguistics around the end of the XVIII century acquires a certain historicist character, due to the existing preoccupation about the origin of language and interpretation, and the relationship between living primitive tongues and the first stages of human development. The study of Sanskrit initiates modern Linguistics. Basque linguistics from the end of the XVII century until the first third of the XVIII century is dominated by Wilhelm von Humboldt, the forerunner of the Basque-Iberian thesis and P. Pablo de Astarloa. Afterwards Luis Luciano Bonaparte with his thesis on Basque dialectology, and Schuchdart and Vinson, who belong to the neogrammatic era (which did not exist in Basque linguistics since Schuchdart was a fervent anti-grammarian) gave rise to the first generation of Basque philologists and linguists (Julio de Urquijo and R. Mª. de Azkue). Current Basque linguistics is represented by Luis Michelena, Caro Baroja and Antonio Tovar
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