La facultad de medicina de 1936

Granjel, Mercedes
- Publication year:
- 1992
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-86240-40-4
Thanks to the information stored in the National History Archives, section Civil War in Salamanca, in this work, we can study the creation and implementation of the Faculty of Medicine in Bilbao, in 1936. Beyond the organization of medical studies in the Biscayan capital, the authors of this plan develop a new model of university for their country, which ensures the involvement of all institutions and of the social power, that contribute to support it. The idea was not a new one, we have only to remember the steps taken by Enrique de Areilza, Victoriano Juaristi, Justo Gárate or Telesforo de Aranzadi ; but only with the creation of the Basque Government, it was possible to carry it through partially. The artist of the plan are a small group of basque intellectuals, supported by Leizaola, who was in that period Councillor for Justice and Culture. They succeed to open for several months a Faculty of Medicine at the Basurto Hospital in Bilbao. The development of a studies plan which would allow sutdent from different universities to adapt easily, without renouncing to their self identity, the commission of the first board of professors or the validation of the studies they had already started in oher faculties, are among many, some aspects that will be widely developed in the present work.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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