La cronología absoluta del Neolítico y el Calcolítico de la región cantábrica. Estado de la cuestión

Arias Cabal, Pablo
- Publication year:
- 1995
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-89516-04-9
The aim of this paper is to discuss the chronology for the neolithic and the Chalcolithic of the whole Cantabrian region (Spanish northern coast). The main basis for such discussions has been absolute radiocrbon dates, using the solar years scale from a dendrochronologial calibration of the dates. Fron the available information, cantabrian Old-Middle Neolithic can be dated between, aproximately, 5000 and 3500 cal BC. The beginning of megalithism at the end of Vth milleniun cal Bc allows us to divide it in two stages: Neolithic I( premegalithic) and II (megalithic). The late Neolithic, poorly dated at this moment, seems to be situated in the second half of IV th milleniun cal BC and the veginning of IIIrd. The Chalcolithic is dated in the earlier three quarters of IIIrd millenium cal BC.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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