La concepción y experiencia del cine en la obra de Víctor Erice

Ikusgaiak. Cuadernos de Cinematografía

LOMILLOS, Miguel Ángel

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Cinema is one of Victor Erice.s interpretative keys, whether one considers cinema as a popular show in which the characters are radically ill-treated (as in .El Espíritu de la Colmena. [The Spirit of the Beehive], or in .El Sur. [The South]) or as a technological device that breaks into our minds with categorical .nocturnal. signals (as in .El Sol del Membrillo. [The Sun of the Quince]). The present work is a way of analysing Erice.s movies in view of what cinema is and, especially,it is away to see a strong conception of aesthetics in modern cinema. One could almost speak of a cinematographic view of the Cosmos.
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