José Miguel Azaolaren (1917-2007) begiradak eta ebaluaketak Euskal Herriko iraganaz eta historiografiaz
Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga, Joseba
- Publication year:
- 2017
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539 (2017), 41; 161-181]
- 1136-6834, eISSN 2386-5539
Abstract: Azaola’s life and intellectual development were frustrated by the new Francoist state. Up until 1962 he developed his cultural interests in Basque Country and Spain. From 1970 onwards, while working for Unesco in Paris, he theorised about economic, political and cultural regionalism. He elaborated his thoughts and interpretations of the past and histories of the Basques in: Vasconia y su destino, los vascos, ayer y hoy”[The Basque Country and its destiny, the Basques, yesterday and today]and El País Vasco. His historiographical thought is analysed in relation to, and contrasted with, other contemporaneous historical contructions concerning the past of the Basques.
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