Itun euskal itzulpenak eta Zaitegi Abaren "Bidalien egiñak"

Ibiñagabeitia Idoyaga, Andima
- Publication year:
- 2003
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-932-0
The author classifies translations to Basque of the New Testament in large three groups, depending on the purposes that guided the translators: the Protestant Leizarraga and his followers; those commissioned by prince Bonaparte and, finally, the most heterogeneous group represented by Haraneder, that includes Olabide, among others. To this tripartite and documented classification, one can also add the one that considers the only commentary on the New Testament made in Basque: "The Deeds of the Apostles" by father Zaitegi.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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