Ilustraciones genealógicas de los linajes bascongados contenidos en las grandezas de España compuestas por Esteban de Garibay fielmente copiadas... y anotadas con adiciones por Juan Carlos de Guerra

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 6, 2

Garibay y Zamalloa, Esteban de

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Esteban de Garibay was born in 1533 and his life is outlined in the text. However, what is most important was the writing of eleven volumes titled titulada "Grandezas de España: Noticias de los títulos y casas ilustres de ella y otras particularidades" (The noblest families in Spain: developments on the noble lineages and ilustrious houses in Spain and other particularities). The integral text on lineages of interest for the Basque Country is reproduced, as the houses of Muxica and Butrón
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