Garapen Sostengarria: gaur egungo errealitatea

XVI Basque Studies Congress: Bilbao, 2005. Sustainable development - IT. the future

Moreno Gómez, Amaia ; Ortiz Antúnez, Kistiñe ; Tovar Martínez, Oihane ; Ugarte Pérez, Maider ; Bilbao González, Oihane ; González Sainz de la Maza, Nerea ; García Belar, Johanna ; Egaña Urresti, Naia ; López Magunazelaia, Nagore

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Reflection on sustainable development from the point of view of social educators, with the contemplation of current problems. Problems such as the differences between countries, consumism, alienation of society carried out by the media or the progressive ageing of society. It is necessary to carry out a process of integration into society of all disfavoured groups.
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