Euskonews & Media. 100 ale (1998-2000)

- Publication year:
- 2000
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 1139-3629
This CD-Rom collects the first 100 issues of the weekly Euskonews & Media, with all its articles, graphics, photographs and audio. Eusko Ikaskuntza, conscious as it is of the possibilities offered by the new technologies in the dissemination of Basque culture and science, placed the first issue of this weekly e-zine on the World Wide Web on 8th September 1998. On 17th November 2000, issue 100 was published, an event that was celebrated with the publication of this special CD-Rom. To use this CD-Rom it is necessary to have Windows 95 or 98, with autorun and if does not start automatically, click on the index file.