Euskara Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean

Salaburu Echeverría, Pello
- Publication year:
- 1995
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-87471-77-3
The presence of the Basque language in university can no longer be considered as anecdotal, since it is already a reality, although there is still much to do. The process to reach this point is split into three parts. The first stage (1978-1985) lasts from the establishment of the Basque University until its bylaws were accepted. The second begins in 1985 and finishes in 1990 and the third is from 1990 to the present day. Comments are made for each one of these stages on the important events which took place in the university reference to the Basque language. Percentages are also used accompanied by a table to indicate the participation of teachers, and students and to indicate the subjects currently being studiedSing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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