Azkoaga. Cuadernos de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas
Euskal ekonomiaren eta enpresaren egungo erronkak = Retos actuales de la economía y empresa vasca
Author[s]: Altuna, Rafael [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2012
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 155 or. : ir. ; 24 cm.
- 978-84-8419-243-5
- eISSN: 2255-1077
Two or three years ago some professors of Economics and Business from different universities in the Basque Country saw the need to get together annually to deal, among others, with the research work we are developing. Around the same time, within the Section for Social Sciences and Economics we were about to redirect the activities of this very section. For several reasons it seemed appropriate to satisfy the common interest of all of us by means of collaboration. This issue of Azkoaga is precisely the result of this collaboration.
- Sumario = Summary
- Analytic Summary
- Unzalu Troya, Heiko Openness, internationalization and innovation effectiveness in regional innovation systems
- González-Pernía, José Luis Productivity differences among new fi rms involved in exporting
- Bakaikoa Azurmendi, Baleren ; Etxezarreta Etxarri, Enekoitz ; Zurbano Irizar, Mikel Hirugarren sektorea zaintzen krisiaren aurrean: pertsona nagusien alorra aztergai
- Cembrero Gómez, David Performance outcomes of interaction, balance and connectedness between exploration and exploitation in the technological innovation domain
- Arzadun, Paula Mondragon: globalización del proceso productivo e impacto socioeconómico
- Altuna Erle, Rafael Inkulturizazioa, lidergo eraldatzailea eta berringeniaritza aldaketa instituzionaletan. AMPO kasua
- Peña Legazkue, Iñaki Hitzaurrea = Prólogo