Estructura de los pastizales implantados en la zona del Gorbeia
Albizu, Isabel
; Amezaga, I.
; Besga, G.
; Onaindia Olalde, Miren
; Rodriguez, M.
- Publication year:
- 1998
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-8603
The crisis that is undergoing the livestock sector and the decrease in the grazing pressure on mountain grasslands have lead to the abandonment of those areas and the reinvasion by shrubs. Nevertheless, nowadays there is an increasing demand of farmers to made transformations in the shruy areas: Arkaola and Altunoste. These meadows were sown in 1984 and 1992, respectively, with tillage and establishment of species of foraging interest (ryegrass, white clover and cocksfoot). Among the determinant factors for the correct establishment of the meadows on montain acid soils are liming and the fertilize rapplied. The methodology used to study the behaviour of the species according to those factors are Ecological Profiles. The results show that the pH is the main responsable for the maintenance of the sown species and that the cocksfoot has a higher ecological plasticity, than the ryegrass and white clover.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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