Bihotz errehabilitazioaren eragina miokardioko infartu akutuaren depresioan (ikerketa pilotua)

Bergaretxe Bengoetxea, Maitane
; Echepetelecu Hernando, Maialen
; Etxabe Unanue, Goiatz
; Iribarren Martin, Alazne
; Uria Uranga, Ikerne
- Publication year:
- 2012
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1577-8533
Depression is usual after an acute coronary syndrome and it infiuences the prognosis. The results of psychosocial interventions present in Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) indicate that they modify the risk factors, depression among others. This pilot study showed the existence of depression among the patients with heart attack, both in the early stage and in the subsequent one. Results were not statistically significant among the cohort exposed and the one not exposed, neither as independent samples nor as related samples.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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