Areatza haitzuloko "Oreinaren Gordelekua" eta "Zezenaren Plataforma" gordailuen ikerketa arkeologikoa (Galdamiz, Enkarterri, Bizkaia)

; IHARRITU, Mari Jose
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 1137-4489
Two depots of the cave of Areatza (Basque Country) are studied in this paper: "Oreinaren Gordelekua" and "Zezenaren Plataforma". The first one is placed at the entrance of the gallery which commnicates to the painting chamber "Oreinemeen Ganbara", in an elevated and hidden place. The second one, on a higher gallery connects with the main one in the decorated panel are called "Zezenaren Panela". It is a gallery where a stalagmite creates a specific place, the platform. There, the archaeologic remains are abundant: lithics (backed blades, blades, flakes,...), osseous (two points and a trophic canine of deer), ceramics, animal bones, carbonized glands, cupper blade. In this depot you can see several rites performed during the Prehistoric Age and probably the Upper Paleolithic. However, in the first one there is a closer relationship between the depot and the parietal images, suggesting that it is part of the iconographic forniture of the paleolithic sanctuary.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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