Arditurriko mina eremuaren antolaketa proposamena: ingurumen zentro baten sorkuntza proiektua

Mendizabal Idiazabal, Mikel
- Publication year:
- 2004
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-000-5
- 1137-442X
When the historic enclave of the Arditurri mines finally stopped functioning as such in 1986, a process of recovery was initiated. Arditurri is situated in the Peñas de Aya Natural Park and in the fundamental park management documents it is described as a site that is being restored. This work is intended as a contribution to that recovery process. It introduces a project for the setting up in Arditurri of a centre of reference for the area. This work also includes the collection of environmental activities that compose the first part of the project.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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