Urteko Galdera, a projected initiated in 2015, is a tribunal on matters of interest for Basque society whose aim is to promote reflections on current affairs. Eusko Ikaskuntza chooses the question of the year together with its community of authors and readers.
Xabier Ezeizabarrena / Lecturer of Public Law at the University of the Basque Country and Deusto Member of the Provincial Parliament of Gipuzkoa (EAJ/PNV)
Paul Bilbao Sarria / Euskararen Gizarte Erakundeen KONTSEILUAren idazkari nagusia
Iker Iraola Arretxe / Parte Hartuz ikerketa-taldeko kidea, EHUko soziologia irakaslea
Xabier Alkorta / Eusko Ikaskuntzako XVIII. Kongresuaren eta Mendeurrenaren lehendakaria