- Publication year:
- 2011
- Characteristics:
- 445 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
- 0212-7016
In this RIEV 56, 1 issue, the first article is in French by Guido Convents. It examines the relationship between the Catholics and the origin of the Spanish cinema under Franco. After that, Marta Cureses deals with the development of the creative work of the Navarrese composer Agustín González Acilu; and Tere Irastortza describes to us her experiences in her creative and writing process. Julia Otxoa tells of the path of her poetic work. In the section devoted to philosophy, Andres Ortiz puts forward a perspective on the man and human nature of Nietzsche. In addition, Professor Mariano J. Ruiz de Ael examines the development of the steps followed by the Official Association of Architects of the Basque Country to strengthen the international image of buildings.