- Publication year:
- 2005
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 0212-7016
- Authors:
- Zallo Elguezábal, Ramón...[et al.]
In issue no. 50.1 (2005.1) of the International Journa of Basque Studies (RIEV), the last of the issues directed by Gregorio Monreal, the Tribuna section contains five articles that cover various fileds of Basque culture and society: Ramón Zallo reflects on the so called Basque Culture Plan ?Kulturaren Euskal Plana; Susana Torrado reviews the evolution of cinematographic hemerography in the Basque Country, Iker González allende on the other hand, carries out a study of romantic novels with Basque settings and Franquist ideology during the Spanish Civil War, Michel Duvert covers the relations between the Customs and the cattle raisers in Lapurdi and finally Tomás Urzainqui, after analysing the primitive forms of property, studies the political federation and de Roman ius gentium that allowed for the consolidation of neighbours communities in the civitates in Vasconia. This issue also has the habitual sections, like Reseña ?where there is a list of the latest and most important publications on Basque mattes-, Tesis ?the llist of doctoral theses read in the universities of Vasconia during de second semester or 2004 with a commentary of those related with Basque culture-, and Noticia ?with the most outstanding events that took place in the Basque Studies Society and in the Basque Country as a whole: In memorian Manex Goyhenetche and Juan San Martin, the awarding of the 2004 Manuel Lekuona prize to Jean Haritschelhar and the II. International Euskal Herria Mugaz Gaindi Seminar.