- Publication year:
- 2004
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 372 p. : il. ; 24 cm
- 0212-7016
- Price, not member:
- 14 €
- Price, member:
- 8 €
- Authors:
- Guimón Ugartechea, José... [et al.]
Issue no. 49, 1 (2004, 1) of the International Journal of Basque Studies (Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos - RIEV) includes a special Dossier titled Bilbao and its transformations. The articles that compose it summaries the changes experimented by this town throughout the last 20 years. In the Tribuna section, Juan Plazaola publishes the chapter about Baroque art belonging to the series on History of Art in Vasconia. In the section dedicated to literary critiques, we can find articles about eighteen recent publications on Basque topics. The section on Theses informs about the doctoral theses read in the universities of Vasconia and commentaries on those related with Basque culture. Finally, the news section contains information on the most important events taking place in the B.S.S. and in the Basque Country as a whole: the 5th Conference on Art, Revision of Basque Art between 1875 and 1939, the conference titled Euskal Herria in the 11th century, The Kingdom of Sancho III the Elder (1004-1035) and the awarding of the 2003 Manuel Lekuona Prize to Jesús Atxa.