Eusko Ikaskuntza and Jakiunde organize a debate session on Artificial Intelligence in the presentation of the RIEV-International Journal of Basque Studies number 67.2.
Ignacio Aldecoa Culture Centre in Vitoria-Gasteiz hosted on November 20th the presentation “Artificial intelligence today: risks, challenges and opportunities”. Organized by Eusko Ikaskuntza and Jakiunde, the number 67.2 of the journal RIEV-International Journal of Basque Studies was presented, framed in the agreement signed in 2021.
Asier Etxenike, representative for Álava of Eusko Ikaskuntza and Ignacio Arganda Carreras, editor of number 67.2 and member of Jakiunde, began the session. They placed the collaboration between the two entities, which has allowed the incorporation of the Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters as a stable collaborating entity of the RIEV, assuming the complete edition of one of the two books of the year. For his part, Asier Etxenike explained the commitment and role of Eusko Ikaskuntza “not only at the academic level, but also in practice, the basis of collaboration remains.” Arganda Carreras detailed the details of number 67.2: nine articles in which “different aspects of the development and impact of artificial intelligence are addressed, as well as the current situation of research in this field and its possible future consequences”.
Next, the debate took place between the professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence of the Public University of Navarra and member of Jakiunde, Humberto Bustince, and the professor of Informatics of the UPV/EHU and a pioneer in Euskal Herria in research on the areas of Language Processing and Artificial Intelligence, Arantza Díaz de Ilarraza. In their conversation, they analyzed how AI affects us and what disadvantages it has in our daily lives, explained the main differences between human and artificial intelligence, addressed the development and diffusion of AI and raised their possible contributions to complex social challenges. In the coming weeks, Eusko Ikaskuntza will make available to those with interest the integrated debate in its Solasaldiak section.
The day ended with the participation of the attendees in Question and Answer Time.
(Ce texte a été traduit automatiquement avec Elia).