Manuel Lekuona Award

1999. Piarres Charritton
Born in Hasparren 19 of October of 1921 within a family of farmers, Pierre Charritton was the eldest of six brothers. He began from a very young age his classic seminarian studies in Hasparren, Ustaritz and later on in Bayonne, and he was ordained a priest in his hometown in 1947. After some superior studies in theology in Rome and in philosophy in Paris, he was a teacher in various posts and levels, from elementary education to university tuition. During his long life he had to take important personal decisions, and this, in the seventies, he resigned from his ecclesiastic condition in order to found a family. Since his early youth, he led a considerable intellectual activity, publishing numerous articles and works mainly in Basque, and also in French. He was a member of the Basque Academy from 1948 and of the Basque Studies Society from its restoration, and he has just been awarded the Manuel Lekuona prize.