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Euskonews & Media. Gernikako Estatutoaren 20. Urteurrena = 20º Aniversario del Estatuto de Gernika

Euskonews & Media. Gernikako Estatutoaren 20. Urteurrena = 20º Aniversario del Estatuto de Gernika

Author[s]: Castells, Jose Manuel... [et al.]

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The objective of this publication, which conmemorates the 20th anniversary of the referendum in which the Statute of Autonomy of Basque Country, is to concentrate on the key aspects of that norm. This is why the interview with Pedro Luis Uriarte, the famed negociator of the first economic agreement and Minister of Economy of the Basque Government is an excellent prologue. With the high level and prestigious academic personalities of the various speakers from the University of the Basque Country and from Deusto and the Public University of Navarre, certain essential matters like, for example, the relationship between the Statute and the Constitution, the connection with the Statutory Community of Navarre, or the statutory requisites in matters such as research, are analysed. In brief, this article includes a whole range of authorised opinions on crucial aspects of the basic institutional norm in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.




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