Ente índice recoge el sumario general de los dos números del volumen 68 de la RIEV.
Sumario Vol. 68 (2023)
Summary Vol. 68 (2023)
Ente índice recoge el sumario general de los dos números del volumen 68 de la RIEV.
Sumario = Summary (Vol. 68, 2)
Large Techno Social Systems. Emergence of Social Welfare Techno Systems. Summary = Sistema teknosozial handiak. Ongizateko teknologia-sistemen sorrera. Laburpena
Basabe-Desmonts, Lourdes (1); Zabala-Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel (2) [guest editors]
Foreword: Large Techno Social Systems. Emergence of Social Welfare Techno Systems=Hitzaurrea: Sistema teknosozial handiak. Gizarte-ongizateko teknosistemen sorrera
Echeverria, Javier (1); Ugalde, Jesus M. (2)
The co-UTOPIA of the 21st century city
Apezteguía, Maite
Technology and Mental Health: Benefits and Risks
Balluerka, Nekane (1); Goñi-Balentziaga, Olatz (2)
Distant Futures and Situated Identities: Unforeseen Consequences of Technosocial Systems in the Left Bank of Nervión River
Gurrutxaga Abad, Ander (1); Galarraga Ezponda, Auxkin (2)
Critical and concious digital humanities: a decalogue for the short future
Ipiña Larrañaga, Nagore (1); Atxa Uribe, Vicente (2)
Elements of complex networks
Larrañaga, Pedro (1); P. Soloviev, Vicente (2)
Humanized Computing for higher collaboration and reciprocal learning between machines and people
López-de-Ipiña, Diego (1); Casado-Mansilla, Diego (2); Puerta-Beldarrain, Maite (3); Gómez-Carmona, Oihane (4)
Basque Research and Innovation as a learning techno-social system: organization, policies, and challenges
Otegui-Feliz, Itziar (1); Ibarra, Andoni (2); Pitarke, José María (3)
Human Preference Formation and Measurement of Impact in Large Techno-Social Systems
Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio
About the authors (Vol. 68, 2)
Analytic Summary (Vol. 68, 2)