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Se cierra la convocatoria a los Premios Eusko Ikaskuntza-LABORAL Kutxa 2025
El plazo de admisión de candidaturas finaliza el 31 de marzo. Las bases de sendas convocatorias están visibles en la página web de Eusko Ikaskuntza.Collaborate with Eusko Ikaskuntza
There are many ways to collaborate so you're bound to find one that suits you:

Cultural participation policies: final report
The project ‘Cultural Rights. Participation and governance policies’ project, which Eusko Ikaskuntza launched in 2022, has compiled its conclusions in a report.

Presentation of the results of the project "Promotion of the Basque language in Navarre based on discursive elements with social resonance"
April 1 at 10:00 in the Condestable's Palace. Pamplona.
RIEV 69, 2: The Beautiful Scientific Arts
The confluence between the sciences and the arts is the theme of the third RIEV journal coordinated by Jakiunde.

Solasaldiak: tres mujeres investigadoras
Elene Igoa, Amaia Rodriguez y Mihiret Elisa Zarate presentan los proyectos seleccionados dentro del I Programa de Fomento y Apoyo a la Investigación.

En el número 788 de Euskonews
Futuro del trabajo y políticas de bienestar en el contexto de las tres transiciones.
Equality goal
Eusko Ikaskuntza has been implementing Equality Plans for around 5 years and, beyond words, materializes its commitment to equality in concrete actions.

El Libro Blanco del (los) territorio(s) de Vasconia
Escenarios y propuestas de futuro construídas entre diferentes para favorecer la cohesión social y territorial de Euskal Herria.

The 19th Congress of Basque Studies promotes the new cycle of Eusko Ikaskuntza
With nearly a thousand participants, presentations and high-level debates, the Congress produced a new roadmap towards cohesion.