Une émeute des femmes d´ Hasparren en 1784

During the ancient regime the whole of the French Basque Country had certain privileges, among which were the exemption on "gabelle" duties, that is to say, the duties on the salt. However, in 1784 there were rumors in Hasparren according to which this tax on salt was also to be applied and this provoked the uprising of the women in the area. Troops were sent to the town in response to the uprising, and this, in turn generated greater violence. The parish priest, abbot Haramboure, spoke to the women in Basque and he managed to stop the revolt. However, the inhabitants of Hasparren found out that severe measures had been ordered against the parishes that had taken part in the revolt. The area was occupied by troops, but fortunately Haramboure also managed to calm the authorities and the revolt ends