nUMBER 52 · 2007Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 52, 2

Publication year:
Publication place:
Abdulhaleem, Hithem ... [et al.]


The Tribuna section of issue 52, 2 (2007) of the Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos, (RIEV - the International Journal on Basque Studies) attempts to explore the future developments of current matters: the problem of religious fundamentalism, explored by Hithem Abdulhaleem, and the very notion of what a frontier is in Europe after the latest in corporations into the European Union, by Gerald Delanty; David W. Close contributes with his study on economic planning policies in the provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador (Canada); Professor Enrique Carvajal includes his expert study on the litigation about the Zubi-zuri bridge in Bilbao; Tomas Uribetxebarria explores 18th and 19th centuries sermons conserved in the Statutory Archives of Bizkaia. In the habitual sections: Reseñas ?critiques on various recent publications on Basque themes? Tesis ?unclassified list of doctoral theses read in our universities during the first semester of 2007? and Noticia ? with the most noteworthy news within the Basque Studies Society and the Basque Country as a whole?.