Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía

Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 47. Los vascos y la esclavitud=Euskaldunak eta esklabutza [on line]

Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 47. Los vascos y la esclavitud=Euskaldunak eta esklabutza [on line]

Author[s]: Belaustegi, Unai (ed.); Alvarez Gila, Oscar [et al.]

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián
BIBLID [1136-6834, eISSN: 2386-5539 (2023), 47; 1-194]; on line
1136-6834; eISSN: 2386-5539


Issue 47 of the journal Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, corresponds to the year 2023 and aims to continue consolidating and disseminating research into the history of Vasconia. This monographic issue, entitled "The Basques and Slavery", addresses the history of the connections between the Basques and slavery, challenging the old myth that Basques were exempt from participating in the slave trade. The articles explore the activity and memory of prominent Basques in the slave trade, questioning their legacy. Cases such as Manuel Calvo y Aguirre, José Matía Calvo, Julián de Zulueta and Juan José Amunategui are analysed, revealing their connections with slavery. This dossier originates from the research project "Memory and places of memory of slavery and the slave trade in contemporary Spain".

The publication is carried out through the Open Journal (OJS) platform and all published articles have passed peer review.

This publication has been made possible thanks to the generous support of the consolidated research group of the UPV/EHU, Biography & Parliament and the Ministry of Science and Innovation Research Project PID2020-114496RB-I00.

In collaboration with the Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.






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