Política de comunicación de crisis en el ámbito universitario: El caso de la Universidad del País Vasco

Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación, 16 [on line]

Eguskiza Sesumaga, Leyre

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia ; Leioa
BIBLID [eISSN 1988-3935 (2017), 16; 109 - 140]
1137-4462; eISSN: 1988-3935

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The University of the Basque Country has to face several crisis, which could endanger its balance and affect its corporate image. This investigation tackles the way the institution manages these type of situations from the communicative area, identifying the main events of the last years and their impact in the basque press. The exhaustive interviews done to the Communication Managers contribute to build a wide view that contains many considerations directed to the future creation of a crisis communication plan.

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