Les Servantes de Marie d´Anglet face aux lois anticongréganistes 1901-1904

Elizak eta Estatua bereizteko legea. Ondorioak Euskal Herrian (1905-1906). La Séparation des Eglises et de l´Etat. Les Inventaires en Pays Basque (1905-1906)

Bordenave, Soeur Jacqueline

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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The Congregation of the Serfs of Mary was well implanted in the northern Basque Country in 1901, with 31 houses. The 1901 to 1904 repressive legislation forced them to close all schools and withdraw all the small communities of nuns. This situation brought about the secularisation of more or less 1/5 of the total of nuns in order to save the Christian schools. In order to survive, the Congregation ; retired to northern Spain and goes to exile in America.
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