"La Compaña" y el acercamiento a un personaje tabú en el terreno de campo

Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristainen oroimenez = En recuerdo de Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristain = À la mèmoire de Joxemartin Apalategi Begiristain [on line]

García-Orellán, Rosa

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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During my fieldwork in the years 1998 and 1999, I am told that the existence of a person that the group has converted in to a taboo. This is a key person, as here she is part of the symbology related with death. However, the group blocks there searcher´s access in order to protect that person. Here I reflect aspects of my field diary as well as various methods of logical reflections included therein.
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