Historiaren irakaskuntza eta oroimenaren kultura: oroimen demokratiko baten eraikuntza bidean

XVII Basque Studies Congress: Gasteiz, 2009. Innovation for sustainable social progress

Lamikiz, Amaia

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This paper presents the results of the project called "Historia y memoria en las escuelas de enseñanza secundaria de Euskal Herria" (History and memory in secondary schools in the Basque Country), carried out in 2007 through the Agustín Zumalabe grant of Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society. The project is based on the analysis of the historical memory in the subject of history for students of the final year of secondary schools. It looks at the way of teaching the 20th century history and weighs which role the education should play to promote a democratic culture.
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