Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura

Euskal kritika, gaur = La crítica vasca, hoy = La critique basque aujourd

Euskal kritika, gaur = La crítica vasca, hoy = La critique basque aujourd

Author[s]: Lasagabaster, Jesús María [et al.]

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Under the title "Euskal Kritika, Gaur" we are publishing a book that collects the motions from the "Euskal Kritikagintzari buruzko I. Jardunaldiak" conference (Gasteiz, 16-2-2000). In it, a diagnosis and analysis of Basque critique is carried out, revealing the current deficiencies in the academic field as well as among the public, and mentioning also the contributions that have appeared over the last few years. In addition to all this, the book also analyses aspects like the situation of ongoing research on the various literary genres, or the development of the teaching of literature in university. It is evident that the studies on Basque Philology have provided a considerable impulse to the development of academic critique, to its consolidation and to an updating of the methodological orientation of our research. In the following articles, which are not written only in Basque, but also in Castilian Spanish and in French, there is a description of the multiple facets of current Basque critique.




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