Euskal Herria eta Garapen Iraunkorra. Zer gertatzen ari da? Gizarte Arloaren ikuspuntua. Lehen Aldiko txostena = Euskal Herria y el Desarrollo Sostenible ¿Qué está sucediendo? Visión de Dimensión Social. Informe de

XVI Basque Studies Congress: Bilbao, 2005. Sustainable development - IT. the future

Grupo de Trabajo PEP (DS) Dimensión Social de Eusko Ikaskuntza

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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We observe a growth in social inequalities within each country and between countries, which increases consumism and material needs, with an important increase in individualism. The population is ageing, there is an increase in immigration and job insecurity, and a growth in social and sanitary expenses, at the same time as there a crisis of the welfare state looms in the horizon. We also see difficulties for an effective citizen´s participation, both because of the scarce vertebration of civil society and because of the fragmentation of information on the situation we are living through.
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