Desde el paisaje industrial vivido a los nuevos entornos re-creados de ciudades para el futuro

Desde la realidad de los paisajes: abordaje artístico, estético y sociocultural. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía, 41 [on line]

Vivas Ziarrusta, Isusko (autor); Lekerikabeaskoa Gaztañaga, Amaia (ilustradora)

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián
BIBLID [ISSN: 1137-439X, eISSN: 2243-9940 (2023), 41; 31-59]
1137-439X; eISSN: 2243-9940

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The research work presented as an article constitutes a preview of a broader study in the developmentphase, whose (partial) results we present in this text. Its main objective is based on investigating the future possibilitiesoffered by (post)industrial environments in the process of urban remodeling or territorial reorganization. A novel aspectthat is discussed lies in treasuring these experiential and close enclaves, susceptible to being interpreted not only from atechnical solution for their recovery but from the relevance of imaginaries with the power to project those spaces, towardsa succession of new scenarios that they are recreated from science fiction stories, especially cinematographic ones. Viewin which a theoretical aspect intercedes that understands the landscape as a cultural construction, as a result of mentalperceptions sifted by the aesthetic-artistic perspective. The lived habitat becomes imaginaries relaunched towardsfuturistic utopias and dystopias, in a line of thought that updates the aesthetic categories of the landscape in re-inventedcities of postmodernity.

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