Cuando el Jardín del Edén estuvo en Bilbao? Retazos, rupturas y desdoblamientos para un paisaje urbano vivencial

Desde la realidad de los paisajes: abordaje artístico, estético y sociocultural. Zainak. Cuadernos de Antropología-Etnografía, 41 [on line]

Rubio-Ardanaz, Juan Antonio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián
BIBLID [ISSN: 1137-439X, eISSN: 2243-9940 (2023), 41, 61-85]
1137-439X; eISSN: 2243-9940

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Anthropological approach to urban mobility and its impact on the landscape scenario of thecity of Bilbao. In this regard, we will find sociocultural practices and dynamics typical of displacement related to immigration, tourism and the material construction of the city itself. The city appears as a place loaded with a diversity of meanings that come together in a neoliberal and transmodern socioeconomic framework.

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