Archivo Municipal de Salvatierra-Agurain. Tomo III (1451-1500)

Archivo Municipal de Salvatierra-Agurain. Tomo III. (1451-1500)

Goicolea Julián, Francisco Javier

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián
V, 338, XXXII p. ; 23 cm. - (Fuentes documentales medievales del País Vasco / dirigida por Aingeru Zabala ; 115)
84-8419-947-9; OC: 84-89516-73-1

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This book collects the municipal documentation of Salvatierra dated between 1451-1500, and which is contained in the Municipal Archives of Salvatierra-Agurain. And to do so, 109 documents have been transcribed. These documents offer an assortment of information on various topics. In this way, and as the reader will be able to appreciate, the texts make reference to the disputes and court cases between the town of Salvatierra and the neighbouring villages because of various problems. They also refer to aspects related to the control of the monies and customs revenue of the Bishopric of Calahorra, and to the problems derived from the development of frontier countryside and mountains, or to the council organization of the town. There is also an abundance of documents referring to the relations of the town council of Salvatierra with the pages of the Board of San Millán, with the Brotherhood of Álava and with the Ayala family.

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