Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco

Archivo Municipal de Oñati. Tomo II (1494-1520)

Archivo Municipal de Oñati. Tomo II (1494-1520)

Author[s]: Zumalde Igartua, Irue

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The second volume of the Medieval Documental Sources of Oñati collects 59 documents from 1494 to 1520. A third volume is yet to be published with the documentation of the court cases filed by the council of Oñati against the Monastery of Barria, in Alava, from the end of the 15th to the middle of the 16th centuries. Because of its entity and characteristics, it has been decided to publish such documentation in a separate volume. The documents that are collected in this book deal fundamentally with the various court cases filed by the council against the Count about the jurisdiction in the first instance and the confrontation between the neighbours and the Count?s main representative, and on the expedition of troops to the war against France; twenty of such documents belonging to the private archives of Juan Perez de Campiacelay, a merchant from Oñati who died in Lisbon, and which have been integrated in the archives of Nicolas Perez de Lazarraga, included in the municipal archives. Also included is a book of council accounts from 1514 to 1516 and a book of decrees from 1500 to 1520, which collects contracts, letters of entitlement, obligations, auctions, judgments and other documents subscribed by the council in those years.




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